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40+ YEARS OF Serving Healthy oil

SVR Gaia is India’s leading rice bran oil manufacturer. We take pride in offering our customers high-quality rice bran oil at affordable prices. Our refined rice bran oil is made from the finest rice bran sourced from the Godavari Delta region, ensuring our customers receive the best quality product possible.

We offer a range of rice bran products, including cooking oil, de-oiled rice bran, rice bran fatty acid, rice wax, and rice lecithin, all processed using an environment-friendly approach. Our commitment to quality has earned us the distinction of being one of India’s top three rice bran oil producers in 2013-14 and 2014-15.

At SVR Gaia, we understand the value of convenience, so we offer our customers the option to buy rice bran oil online. We take pride in being a company that produces quality products and offers them at affordable prices. With decades of experience in the industry, our team of experts ensures that our rice bran oil production meets international standards, making us one of the best rice bran oil brands in the market.

Choose SVR Gaia for your rice bran oil needs and experience the difference in quality and affordability.

Our Vision

SVR Gaia envisions a sustainable future with our flagship product, Rice Bran Cooking Oil, that's both healthy and eco-friendly. Our zero-waste policy and use of renewable energy sources like solar power minimize our environmental impact.

Our Mission

SVR Gaia is committed to providing premium quality rice bran oil that benefits your health. Our mission is to ensure that our oil is produced with the highest standards of quality and purity, allowing you to enjoy your food's natural taste and nutrition. Trust SVR Gaia for a healthier cooking experience.

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